Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Obama the Dramatist – is it enough?

There have been few people in my life that inspired me. I’ve had three great English teachers in high school and three fantastic professors in college. My wife helps me to do good work—having a family is an amazing feeling and a good hunk of motivation. Last night I watched Barak Obama give a speech in St. Paul, Minnesota. I actually had shivers run down my spine and through my legs when he spoke. In all seriousness, the last time I’ve had that happen was while watching the rousing speech William Wallace gives to the Scots before the battle of Sterling in Braveheart. So, Obama is one hell of a public speaker. We all know this, but what does it mean?

For one, I think it’s pretty clear that Obama is well educated. Now, granted, some people are well educated and can’t speak well, others are smooth talkers yet can’t figure out how to put a square peg into a square hole, but Obama is different. I’ve heard Obama compared to JFK too often to accept that he’s all charisma. No, there’s more there.

He’s put together one heck of a primary campaign. Battling through irate ministers and a demographic age deficit has given Obama validity in his claim that he has the experience to run the country. I’m not saying that that’s all a President is going to face, I’m saying that Obama has the skills to cope, recoup, and come out on top. He has the smarts, the drive, and the perseverance to see things through. This is what our leadership has been lacking for the past eight years. This is the type of person we need at this crucial moment in our history.

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